MARINet Board Minutes

To: MARINet Board and Staff

From: Mary Richardson

Date: 11/19/99

Re: 11/18/99 Meeting at Belvedere –Tiburon City Hall (Approved)

Attending: Board Members: Debbie Mazzolini, Board President (Belvedere-Tiburon), Sara Loyster, Board Secretary (San Anselmo), Mary Richardson (Sausalito), Carol Starr (Marin County), Vaughn Stratford (San Rafael), Cathy Blumberg (Mill Valley). Staff: Val Morehouse (MARINet). Guests present: Jennifer Dyment (MCFL Systems Librarian), Frances Gordon (Larkspur Library Director).

Executive Session: Val Morehouse was asked to sign her evaluation letter (sent on August 27, 1999) by November 24, 1999. She indicated she would sign by that date.

  1. Introduction of guests- No introductions necessary
  2. Minutes of previous meeting- Everyone agreed that the new process for Minutes was fine ( Board Member takes Minutes, e-mails them around for comments then e-mails final draft which gets approved at the following meeting). Member Starr moved that the October 28, 1999 Minutes be approved. Member Blumberg seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Reminder: Send library closure dates for 2000 to Glade

Upcoming Meeting Dates:

December 16, 1999 at 9:15 in Mill Valley

January 27, 2000 at 9:15 at Civic Center

February 24, 2000 at 9:15 at Civic Center

Additions to Agenda:

She was also asked to present information about the proxy server on our web page at the December Meeting. This information can then be taken to MARINet committees. The Board noted that if Val cannot have this information ready by the December meeting that she should put off the Millennium sneak preview until February.


  2. The Goals from the four MARINet committees were discussed. Four Board members agreed to each send a letter with the Board comments to the chair of each committee. The date for achieving the goals will be the end of June 2000. The Board was very pleased with the goals that were presented and felt the committees were on the right track.

    Circ Standards Committee (Mary Richardson will send the letter)

    The Board added a fourth goal: To attend training sessions and in general become familiar with Millennium Circ so that the committee members can provide feedback on this module. The Board saw this and the goal to create a notebook of standard circulation procedures as the main action goals to be completed by June 2000. The other two goals appear to be ongoing (identify common problems to develop common solutions and improve communication between regular staff and subs).

    **Val was asked to e-mail us the Minimum/suggested requirements for Webpac pcs. She noted a minimum of 128 RAM was the most crucial thing but will send us further details.

    Public Services Committee (Sara Loyster will send the letter)

    The Board thought this committee’s goals were fine as presented.

    The Board sees the Links Committee as a subcommittee of the Public Services Committee. Their reports should go back to the Public Services Committee.

    TUG (Cathy Blumberg will send the letter)

    The Board thought this committee’s goals were fine as presented. Other than their ongoing goal of functioning as a conduit for conveying information to library staff, the Board saw the main action goals as training, continuing education and assisting in the introduction of new technologies (Millennium Circ). It was noted that the new InfoPeople training sessions might be used as a tool by TUG.

    Bib Standards Committee (Debbie Mazzolini will send the letter)

    The Board thought this committee’s goals were fine as presented. They changed Goal #3 to: Develop a document of standard catalog and catalog maintenance practices for MARINet.

    Val reminded the Board to e-mail staff changes to her

  3. Old Business
  1. Personnel- Val reported that the extra hire replacement for Mary Cranston resigned. She has only received one name from a temp agency. Suggestions made: use a listserv and check with the County’s HR.
  2. Projects List- Instead of listing all projects in priority order, Val was asked to write a brief (one page or less) monthly narrative that highlights the major projects going on and what’s coming up. She was also asked to note what she didn’t have time to do but still plans to do. She no longer needs to create the list unless she needs it to do the report.

  3. Monthly Budget Report
  1. Budget Update-There were problems with the online program, IST had to come up and check it, there should be a better report by next month.
  2. Audit –is underway. So far so good.
  3. LTI update and bill- 3 things left to be done: 1) Finish loading new authority files 2) turn the headings reports back on 3)Set up profiles with LTI to enable periodic updates. About 2% (21,000 headings) weren’t linked. The Bib Standards committee will be dividing up the work of fixing these. Many of them are minor corrections. The result of all the LTI work is that we have doubled our authority records. Action: Richardson moved and Loyster seconded the motion that the bill to LTI for $11,342.05 be paid once the last record is successfully loaded. All were in favor.
  4. Intranet Proposal- The Board decided that they will postpone the expenditure of $1,875 until they have more input and a better definition of what’s going on with the Libraries of Marin project.
  5. 1/8 cent sales tax- It was noted that at the recent City Manager’s meeting it was felt that a transportation tax was more important. Carol Starr said that we would never have a library tax on the same ballot with a transportation tax. She also said that a Blue Ribbon Task Force will probably be formed to explore the 1/8 cent tax. She also talked a bit about the phone survey planned for early 2000(San Rafael and the County will not be doing the survey together). It will include questions about library services as well questions about paying a tax.
  1. Policies
  2. Vaughn will have something in December about combining the Security and

    Confidentiality policies.

  3. Library of California

There was a vote at a recent Region 8 Core Planning Group meeting to dissolve

Region 8 and join Region 2. It was not clear at that time as to how to proceed.


  1. System Update
  1. Action forms-none
  2. Intranet update-nothing to report
  3. Supersearch (50 cents) –nothing to report
  4. EM320W- Val still doesn’t have a count from everyone. It was noted we only need EM230W on text based and staff terminals, don’t need it on Webpac stations.
  5. The cost will be $49.95 per license.

  6. Innovative said that after December 31, 1999 they will no longer maintain the Micoms.

Next Board Meeting: December 16, 1999 9:15 am Mill Valley Library

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