Monday, April 17, 2000, 2:30 p.m.
Marin County Civic Center Room 410 B

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Debbie Mazzolini, Chair
Carol Starr, Marin County
Cathy Blumberg, Mill Valley
Sara Loyster, San Anselmo
Vaughn Stratford, San Rafael
Mary Richardson, Sausalito
ALSO PRESENT: Val Morehouse, MARINet


Minutes of March 28, 2000 Board Meeting approved.
AGENDA: Approved

NEXT MEETINGS:   May 15, 2000 (all day) Falkirk, San Rafael; Board meeting, May 25, 9:15, 410B Civic Center.

     Debbie Mazzolini asked Val Morehouse to change the MARINet message to say that the office closes at 5 (not 3:30) and that there is no one to answer phones after 3:30.
     The Board asks that Val get an estimate for replacing the lock on the MARINet office and to give the estimate to the Board before replacing the lock.


  1. Budget Discussion:
    1. Monthly budget updates now include a summary page. The Board would like to see a summary that lists the total income, total supplemental income, total expenditures, available fund balance, and the available sinking fund. The Board understands that the carry-over fund may have to be estimated but would still like to see that figure on the summary. Carry-over funds may be transferred to the sinking fund in future as long as use of this fund would not be restricted in any way. Someone from the Auditor's office will attend the May 25 meeting and will be asked to explain the accounting system to the Board, especially regarding the carry-over funds.
      A discussion about personnel included a directive from the Board to Val Morehouse that no new positions, other than the increase to full time of the MARINet clerk and a possible reclassification of Glade's position, were to be included in the FY2000-2001 budget
    2. The Board resolved to accept the Proposed Operating Budget for FY2000-2001 for the amount of $427,168.50. The motion was unanimously approved. A final proposed budget, with some slight amendments in line items and no changes in the bottom line, will be presented at the Board Retreat on May 15, 2000.
    3. The Auditor had two questions for the Board regarding who has the authority to amend the budget in certain situations. The Board voted unanimously that it should be the Board who has the authority to amend the budget 1.) when MARINet wants to spend more in Total Expenditures than shown on the adopted operating budget and 2.) when MARINet wants to transfer more than $5000 between line items.

  2. Annual Retreat Agenda for May 15, 2000
    The Board decided to spend the morning discussing Planning (for the coming year) and the afternoon discussing Organizational Issues and Visioning (including emerging technologies.) Sara Loyster will prepare a draft agenda based on the Board's discussion.

  3. Personnel
    The consultants, Beverly Simmons and Joan Frye Williams, have expressed interest in doing the job analysis for MARINet next September. This will give the Board and MARINet Staff time to prepare the documents needed for the study.
    Val's Work Plan for FY2000/2001 was discussed. Many of the goals listed were things the Board considers her usual tasks. These should be removed from the Work Plan. The Work Plan should include special projects that Val hopes to accomplish next year and should be ready for Board consideration at the Retreat.

  4. The draft of the new System Security Policy was discussed and approved

  5. System Update:
    A discussion of Web Access Management and Millenium Circulation will take place at the Retreat.


  1. Supersearch:
    Vaughn Stratford asked if other libraries are charging $.50 for Supersearch requests. Some are, some aren't. Until Supersearch can place a charge on patrons' cards through the system it will be up to each library to charge fees or not.

  2. The next Blue Ribbon Task Force meeting will be May 1. Carol Starr reports the group has not reached consensus on which approach to take in solving the County Library's fiscal problems.

The Board adjourned at 4:30.

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