MARINet Board Retreat Agenda

January 15, 2004 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Conference Room; Mill Valley Library

375 Throckmorton, Mill Valley


              I.      Public Comment Period


           II.      An opportunity for any citizen to address the MARINet Board on any MARINet matter. Please limit statements to 3 minutes.


         III.      Introduction of any guests.


        IV.      Approval of Minutes from December 18, 2003 Board meeting 


           V.      Additions to the agenda (This agenda is not final. Board members may add to the agenda up to the date of the meeting.)


        VI.      Old Business

A.  Standing items for agenda

                  1. Reports from Committee Liaisons – No committees met since the Dec. Bd meeting

                  2. System Administrator’s Report

                  3. Update on move to Hamilton

                  4. Joint Library Trustees and Commissioners meeting in 2004 - Carol


      VII.      New Business

A. Budget concerns of member libraries


B. Discuss ILL using Links+ versus Supersearch –(Carol)


C. Discuss new service ideas and products

1. MetaFind

2. WebBridge

3. Ecommerce module

4. Mobile collections

5. Edifact electronic interface

6. Other ideas from ALA or III meetings?


D.  Discuss 2004/05 Board Goals


Break for Lunch


E. Preliminary budget and setting of priorities

1. Approve the cost sharing formula for FY 04/05


F. Committee Structure- how can we work best?


G. Additional funding sources


The agenda is available in alternative formats if requested at least three (3) days prior to the meeting.  Assertive listening devices, sign language interpretation and other reasonable accommodations are available, consistent with the ADA guidelines, with at least three (3) days notice.