Meeting Oct. 22, 1998 at San Anselmo Public Library, 9 AM

  1. Introductions of any guests
  2. Minutes, Automation Update, Additions to agenda, Announcements.

    Announcement: Larkspur Job Announcement ( in attachments).

    Announcement: Webpac Revision 11 workshop registrations.

  3. Old Business

    1. Intranet Work Plan (in attachments)
    2. Budget/Bills/Audit status
        1. Expenses & Encumbrances Report (in attachments)
        2. Audit Update:
        3. Bill for CPU Purchase and Installation (in attachments)

    3. CPU & Indexing Update & Permissions to copy OPAC
        1. Networking revisited:
        2. Micoms and 56K lines

          Statewide Database Subsidy: Work out cost defray with MIDAS?

        3. Indexing update:
        4. SCAT Table (Update in attachments).
        5. Northland Public Library: permission to copy correspondence: make unanimous? (see attachments)

    4. Books In Print revisited.

    5. System Security:
        1. Initials for Overrides.
        2. Spreadsheet pending.

    6. MARINet Office Furniture (expansion parts)
      • : Cubicle panels for MARINet ship date = 10/15/98
      • Pending since May-June.

    7. Other

  4. New Business
    1. MARINet Committees Update (minutes in attachments)
      1. Add NBC Update in the future?
    2. Evaluation of System Administrator, etc.
      1. Equity Letter (in attachments).
    3. Other?

  5. Next Meeting is…(Don't Forget to set date)!


List of Attachments


Minutes of the September Meeting (Draft)

Automation Update

Larkspur Job Announcement

1/8 Cent Sales Tax Revenues for Marin County Library & Cities

Intranet Work Plan

MARINet Budget 98-99 Rpt. By Categories (as of 10/9/98)

Copy of Invoice for CPU Install

SCAT Table Update

Northland Public Library correspondence

Books in Print????

Circulation Standards Committee Minutes

System Administrator: Three Top Goals & System Administrator: Obstacles Past Year




System Administrator: Three Top Goals

Goal: To continue to upgrade the network and position MARINet for Millenium.

Sample Activities…

-Get rid of as many micoms as possible as fast as possible.

-Recycle 56K telecom funds into Internet circuit subsidies

-Load Release 12 to obtain all Y2K fixes.

Goal: To continue to professionalize tracking of Problems/Projects.

Sample Activities…

-Easily share incoming information between Glade & Val, and the Information Services Help Desk via professional help desk software.

-Ability to produce reports for the MARINet Board by origin of call, etc.

Goal: To continue to address MARINet staffing.

Sample Activities…

-Hire clerical and shift activities to allow Glade and Val more freedom to pursue

technical issues.

-Recommend added staff hours and/or contractual arrangements in new budget.

-As dumb terminal environment declines, begin skill enhancement for Val and Glade aimed toward the all-PC environment.

Fourth Runner Up Goal: To develop Web/Intranet Public & Staff Presence

Sample Activities…

-Add value to site by putting up more content…

System Administrator: Obstacles Encountered

Understaffing/lack of time.

Holdover Culture: which has encouraged reverse delegation, and failure to assume professional responsibility (no initiative?).

Also related to the above, Lack of In-House Training for Staff: numerous staff at all levels who lack knowledge in their functional areas on the system (often in direct opposition to the amount of supervision needed). The less-trained the staff are, the more independent of supervision are their work times.

The Two-Way Street that only runs One-Way: staff who view communication as some-thing MARINet does to/for them, not something they must do with/to MARINet also.

The Poor Cousin: view of MARINet as not earning its keep or paying its way.

The Never Ending Story: the 4-Year Audit, and the county budget process (including lack of budget training).







MARINet Board Votes taken and results:





Passed: ________________Aye___________________Nay


Text of the Motion: