Meeting July 16, 1998 at San Rafael, Falkirk, 9:30 AM

  1. Introductions of any guests
  2. *We may have guest to demo a CD-ROM application, but not confirmed as of this writing.

  3. Announcements, Minutes, Automation Update, Additions to agenda

  4. Old Business

    1. Tech support
    2. Budget/Audit status
    3. CPU & Indexing Update.
    4. 1/8 cent sales tax revisited
    5. Release 11 & Training status
    6. Other?

  5. New Business
    1. MARINet Committees Update: Adult Services Databases Report, Bib Standards, Circulation Suprvisors, etc.
    2. Labor Update.
    3. Security: staff members no longer employed? Passwords, etc.
    4. Scheduling of MARC uploads on staggered schedule?

  6. Info sharing

Set Aug & Sep meeting dates!!!!!!