Meeting August 24, 2000
Marin County Civic Center, Rm. 410-B,
9:15 a.m.


  1. Public Comment Period.
    An opportunity for any citizen to address the MARINet Board on any MARINet matter. Please limit statements to 3 minutes.

  2. Introduction of any guests.

  3. Approval of Minutes.

  4. Announcements.

  5. Additions to the Agenda (This agenda is not final: Board Members may add to the agenda up to the date of the meeting).

  6. Old Business

    1. Budget Report
      1. Monthly Budget Update. Report on transfer to sinking fund.
      2. Letter to Richard Arrow with Board's questions needed (Vaughn).
      3. Larkspur Contract, etc. (Sara). Correspondence received?

    2. Personnel
      1. Staffing/Task Study (see under new business)
      2. System Administrators Projects Report
      3. No HR progress on technician equity reclass.

    3. Golden Gateway Membership application: progress so far?

    4. Revisit Statistics on Patrons: how to standardize? (Vaughn?).
      1. Meaning of Pcodes.
      2. Methods used by individual libraries in past years?

    5. Brown Act (returned from May & Aug 10 agenda).
      [*Debbie M. to send out summary copies to Board and Val to discuss]
      1. Agenda format?
      2. Minutes?
      3. Postings?
      4. Meetings organization?
      5. Information Distribution?

  7. New Business. 
    1. Staffing Analysis Discussion. [Bring your copy of Williams- Simmons proposal]

    2. System Update:
      1. Release 2000 A/B upgrade June 6 (Progress Report).
      2. Circ Standards meeting has been scheduled for 8/31 to discuss Millcirc and field trip. [*Note: please send Val copies of word file of correspondence to the Circ Standards Committee to send out to Board members and reproduce]
      3. SF Law PARTNERs has been tabled until Board hears from Public Services.
        [*Note: please send Val copies of word file of correspondence to the Public Services Committee to send out to Board members and reproduce].

    3. Blue Ribbon Task Force (Carol).

    4. Other?

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