Meeting June 22, 2000 at Belvedere-Tiburon Library,
9:30 a.m.


  1. Public Comment Period.
    An opportunity for any citizen to address the MARINet Board on any MARINet matter. Please limit statements to 3 minutes.

  2. Introduction of any guests.

  3. Approval of Minutes.

  4. Announcements.

  5. Additions to the Agenda (This agenda is not final: Board Members may add to the agenda up to the date of the meeting).

  6. Old Business

    1. Budget Report
      1. Monthly Budget Update, with transactions and draft format for summary sheet (including sinking fund).
      2. Letter to Richard Arrow with Board's questions needed (Update?).
      3. Auditor Request: Board vote on retroactive creation of Internal Service Fund, and authorization for set up of MARS account numbers recommended by the Auditor.
      4. Designation of fiscal agent for FY2000-01.
      5. Retro Grant Update (Carol for personnel & Val for bill payment setup)

    2. Personnel
      1. Election of Board Officers for FY2000-01
      2. Staffing/Task Study (Update?)
      3. System Administrators Projects Report.

  7. New Business. 
    1. Brown Act (returned from previous month's agenda).
      1. Agenda format?
      2. Minutes.
      3. Postings.
      4. Meetings organization.
      5. Information Distribution.

    2. System Update:
      1. Release 2000 A/B upgrade June 6 (Progress Report).
      2. Release 2000 A/B training this week (Update).

    3. Statistics on Patrons: how to standardize? (Vaughn?)

    4. Blue Ribbon Task Force.

Don't forget to confirm July meeting date.

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